T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
BİLECİK / BOZÜYÜK - Bozüyük Fen Lisesi

Violins against Violence eTwinning Projesi

Projemiz uluslararası ortaklardan oluşan bir eTwinning projesidir. Bu projede Şiddete karşı farkındalık yaratmak istiyoruz. Bununla ilgili öğrencilerimiz kısa film senaryosu yazacak ve kısa film çekeceklerdir. Şiddete karşı kemanlar çalacağız ve kısa filmlere ekleyeceğiz. Ayrıca, dünya hayvanlar günü, dünya kadınlar günü gibi özel günlerde başka aktiviteler de projenin etkinlikleri arasında yer almaktadır.


Proje hakkında

We want to raise awareness against violence. For this reason our students will write a short film scenerio and then will make a short film. In addition to these we will write a poem altogether and then compose it. We will play the song with violins and add it to the short films. Besides we will also do some other activities in some special days such as world animal day, world women day..etc.


With this project our students will
* raise awareness against violence
* improve their language abilities
* use web.2.0 tools
* improve their drama skills


*Getting to know eachother
*Designing a logo and choosing the best one
* Giving info on How to write a good scenerio
* Preparing a bulletin board for World Animal Day
* Watching the film "Hachiko: A Dog's Story" and writing a film review

* Writing scenerio
* An awareness activity on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

* Memorizing the scenerio
* Giving info on role-play

*Writing the poem

*Composing the poem

*World women Day celebrations
* Start filming

* Creating brochures for short films

*Displaying the short films
* Dissemination of the project


At the end of the project our students will have
* raised awareness against violence
* improved their language abilities
* used web.2.0 tools
* improved their drama skills



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Yayın: 15.11.2019 - Güncelleme: 20.02.2024 10:52 - Görüntülenme: 425
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